Manage user journeys in the moment
Organizations that are the best in managing their clients’ user journeys do so because they use real-time data collection processes and connect with their marketing channels to provide a relevant and timely user experience. This personalized approach aligns with the user and ultimately leads to an efficient path to conversion.
A recent article from the CMO Council spells out the most important items to focus on. Here are a few highlights:
- Prioritize Winning in the Moment – Opportunities move quickly, you need to keep pace. Use your data and personalization messaging in real-time.
- Focus on Gathering Buyer Data – If you don’t have accurate and complete data on your users and customers you won’t have sufficient signal to move them to conversion.
- Develop Multi-touch Attribution and In-flight Metrics – If you are not measuring your activities (personalization) you can’t make corrections or fully understand what is or is not working.
- Empower Employees who Understand Customer Data – Find, train and retain these employees, they can save you tons of time and more than pay for themselves if provided the right environment.
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